Optimizing Project Management with Empress Activity Types


Empress is a business management tool that helps you organize, monitor, and control your projects. One key feature of this tool is the Activity Type. This feature gives you the power to categorize different activities you or your team undertake, making it easier to track time and manage your projects.

What is an Activity Type?

In Empress, an Activity Type is like a label for different kinds of tasks within your project. It’s a way to group similar activities together, making it easy to see where time is being spent. This can help you identify areas where you are excelling, and where you might need to allocate more resources or attention.

Accessing Activity Types

To access the Activity Type interface in Empress, follow the path:

Home > Projects > Time Tracking > Activity Type

Creating an Activity Type

Creating a new Activity Type is a simple process in Empress:

  1. Go to the Activity Type List and click on New.
  2. Type in the name or description of the new Activity Type.
  3. Click on Save to finish.

Customizing Activity Types

Empress allows you to customize each Activity Type with a Default Costing Rate and a Default Billing Rate. This means you can set how much each activity costs you, and how much you bill for each activity. This is incredibly useful for keeping track of expenses and income related to each activity.

You can also set these rates for individual employees using the Activity Cost feature in Empress, allowing for personalized cost and billing assessments.

Predefined Activity Types

To help you get started, Empress comes with a set of predefined Activity Types. These include Planning, Research, Proposal Writing, Execution, and Communication. These cover many common project tasks, but you can always create new ones to better suit your needs.

The Power of Activity Types

The Activity Type feature in Empress is a powerful tool for effective project management. By categorizing your tasks and setting up default costing and billing rates, you can get a clear picture of your project’s progress and financial health. This can help you make informed decisions about where to allocate resources, how to price your services, and how to structure your team’s time.

For more information on using Activity Types and other features in Empress, refer to the Empress user manual or contact our support team.