Optimizing Sales Management with Empress's Sales Person Feature


In any business, the sales team plays a pivotal role in driving revenue and growth. Empress helps you manage your sales team efficiently with the Sales Person feature. This tool allows you to create, assign, and track your sales personnel in a structured, hierarchical manner. With this feature, you can have a clear picture of your sales operations, from individual transactions to overall sales targets.

Accessing the Sales Person Feature

To begin using this feature, follow these paths:

  • Home > Selling > Selling > Sales Person
  • Home > CRM > Settings > Sales Person

How to Create a Sales Person

Creating a new sales person in Empress is easy:

  1. Go to the Sales Person list and click on ‘New’.
  2. Enter the Sales Person’s name.
  3. Select the Employee associated with the Sales Person.
  4. If this Sales Person will have others working under them, check the ‘Group Node’ box.
  5. Click on ‘Create New’ to complete the process.

Empowering Your Sales Team: Key Functions

The Sales Person feature in Empress offers a range of functionalities to empower your sales team:

Associating Sales Persons with Transactions

You can link Sales Persons to various sales transactions such as Sales Order, Delivery Note, and Sales Invoice. This enables you to track which team member is responsible for which transaction, facilitating accountability and performance assessment.

Setting Sales Targets

You can assign specific sales targets to each Sales Person. This not only gives your sales team clear, measurable goals to work towards but also allows you to monitor their progress in real time.

Summing Up: The Sales Person Feature & Your Business

In essence, the Sales Person feature in Empress helps you manage your sales team effectively, leading to increased accountability, improved performance, and ultimately, higher sales. By providing you with a comprehensive view of your sales operations, this feature enables you to make informed decisions and steer your business towards success.

For further assistance or more information, please refer to our user-friendly resources or contact our support team. We’re here to help you make the most of Empress and your business potential.