Optimizing Sales with Empress' Opportunity Lost Reason Detail


As a business user of Empress, understanding why opportunities are lost is crucial to optimizing your sales and customer relationship processes. The Opportunity Lost Reason Detail feature provides insights that can help you make informed decisions and implement effective strategies.

Feature Overview

The Opportunity Lost Reason Detail is a feature in Empress’ Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module. It allows users to track and analyze the reasons why potential business opportunities were not realized. This data is invaluable in identifying trends, refining your sales approach, and improving customer relations.

Primary Functions and Benefits

  • View Lost Reason Details: Keep track of why opportunities were lost, providing valuable data for future strategy planning.
  • Edit Lost Reason Details: Update or change reasons as necessary to ensure accurate data.
  • Sort Lost Reason Details: Organize your data in a way that best suits your analysis needs, making it easier to spot patterns or trends.
  • Track Changes: Keep a record of alterations made to the lost reason details for audit and reference purposes.

User Roles and Permissions

The access to the Opportunity Lost Reason Detail feature depends on the user roles and permissions set by your Empress Administrator. Please consult with them if you need access or if you have queries about your user role.

Using the Feature

  1. Navigate to the CRM module.
  2. Click on Opportunity Lost Reason Detail.
  3. To view a lost reason detail, simply click on the respective entry.
  4. To edit a lost reason detail, click on the entry, make the necessary changes, and save.
  5. To sort lost reason details, use the sorting options at the top of the list to arrange the entries based on your preferences.
  6. All changes made to the lost reason details are automatically tracked by Empress.


The Opportunity Lost Reason Detail feature is a powerful tool in Empress that can significantly enhance your business processes. By providing insights into why opportunities are lost, it allows your business to adapt and improve, leading to increased success in future opportunities.

For additional non-technical resources or support, please refer to the Empress Support Center or contact your Empress Administrator.