Optimizing Team Workflow with Empress Users and Permissions


Welcome to this user-friendly guide to Users and Permissions in Empress! This feature is all about managing your team’s access to different parts of the Empress system. It’s a critical tool for safeguarding information, optimizing workflows, and enhancing productivity.

Introducing Roles and Permissions

A Role in Empress is a bundle of permissions that you assign to a user. These permissions control which documents or areas within Empress a user can access. For example, a member of your marketing team might need access to customer data, but not to your financial reports. By assigning appropriate roles, you maintain the integrity and security of your organization’s data.

Types of Users: Website Users and System Users

In Empress, there are two main types of users: Website Users and System Users.

  • Website Users can only access the public-facing parts of your Empress system, often referred to as the portal view.
  • System Users, on the other hand, can access different modules and documents depending on the roles assigned to them.

This differentiation allows you to control access to your data effectively, maintaining security without compromising on productivity.

Empress Permission Control System

Empress has a robust permission control system, allowing you to assign multiple roles to each user. Each role has its own set of permissions, giving you granular control over what each user can see and do.

The most important role in Empress is the System Manager. System Managers have full access to the system and can add new users, assign roles, and manage permissions for all users.

Benefits of Using Users and Permissions in Empress

By using the Users and Permissions feature in Empress, you can:

  • Ensure every team member has the access they need to do their job effectively.
  • Protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.
  • Improve workflow efficiency and productivity by giving team members access to the documents they need when they need them.


Understanding and managing Users and Permissions is a crucial part of running a secure and efficient digital workspace in Empress. By assigning appropriate roles, you can ensure that all users have the right level of access, maximizing productivity while maintaining security.

For more help with Empress, check out our other easy-to-follow, non-technical guides.