Organizing Classes Efficiently with Empress Course Schedule


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on the Course Schedule feature in Empress. This feature is a powerful tool for instructors and administrators in educational institutions, helping them to plan and organize their classes efficiently.

What is the Course Schedule feature?

The Course Schedule is a timetable that allows you to schedule classes within your institution. It’s a convenient way of organizing your teaching activities, ensuring that every class is provided a specific slot.

Accessing the Course Schedule

To reach the Course Schedule, follow this path:

Home > Education > Schedule > Course Schedule

Setting Up for Success

Before you start scheduling classes, there are a few elements you need to set up in Empress:

  1. Student Group: This denotes the group of students for whom the course is being scheduled.
  2. Instructor: This is the person who will be teaching the course.
  3. Course: The subject or topic that will be taught.
  4. Program: The broader educational program that the course falls under.
  5. Room: The physical location where the class will be held.

By preparing these elements beforehand, you can ensure a smooth scheduling process.

Creating a Course Schedule

Creating a Course Schedule in Empress is simple. Here are the steps:

  1. Start a new Course Schedule from the Schedule Calendar.
  2. Select the Student Group for the course.
  3. Choose the Instructor who will teach the course.
  4. Identify the Course to be taught.
  5. Specify the From Time and To Time for the course.
  6. Select the Room where the course will be held.

Tracking Attendance

The Course Schedule feature also lets you mark attendance for each Student Group.

To do this, simply click on Attendance in the Course Schedule. You’ll be taken to a new page where the names of all the students are listed. You can check the boxes for students who are present, then click Mark Attendance. For your convenience, there are also Check All and Uncheck All options.


The Course Schedule feature in Empress is a powerful tool for educational institutions, making it easy to organize classes and track attendance. By mastering this feature, you can ensure that your institution runs smoothly and efficiently. For further assistance, please refer to our additional resources or contact our support team.