Organizing Meetings Efficiently with Empress Appointment Scheduling


Appointment Scheduling is a feature in Empress that allows business users to organize, track, and manage appointments easily and efficiently. This feature is essential for businesses as it streamlines meeting arrangements and enhances customer relations through effective communication.


Here are the primary functions of the Appointment Scheduling feature:

  • Schedule Appointments: Set the date and time for upcoming meetings with customers.
  • Customer Details: Store and track information about your customers, such as their name, phone number, Skype ID, and email.
  • Status Updates: Update the status of appointments from Open, Unverified, to Closed.
  • Calendar Integration: Link the appointment to a calendar event for better time management.


These are the benefits of using the Appointment Scheduling feature:

  • Streamlined operations through organized scheduling.
  • Enhanced customer communication and relations.
  • Improved time management with calendar event integration.

How to Use

  1. View Appointments: Navigate to the ‘Appointment’ section in your Empress dashboard. Here, you can view all your appointments, their status, and scheduled time.
  2. Create New Appointment: Click on the ‘New Appointment’ button to schedule a new meeting. Fill out the customer’s details and set the scheduled time.
  3. Edit Appointment: Click on an existing appointment to view more details. Here, you can edit the appointment details, change the scheduled time, or update the status.
  4. Sort Appointments: Use the ‘Sort’ button to rearrange your appointments based on the modified date, scheduled time, or status.

User Roles and Permissions

Different user roles have varying permissions in the Appointment Scheduling feature:

  • System Manager: Full access to create, read, edit, delete, email, export, print, share, and report appointments.
  • Sales Manager: Full access to create, read, edit, delete, email, export, print, share, and report appointments.
  • Sales User: Can create, read, email, export, print, share, and report appointments but cannot delete them.
  • Employee: Full access to create, read, edit, delete, email, export, print, share, and report appointments.


The Appointment Scheduling feature in Empress is a powerful tool that enhances business operations, improves customer relations, and boosts time management. It is a user-friendly feature designed to meet the needs of business users without any technical jargon.

For further assistance, please refer to the Empress User Guide or reach out to our Support Team.