Personalizing Business Documents with Empress Print Templates


Welcome to a quick and easy guide on how to use Print Templates in Empress Finance. This feature allows you to create personalized print templates for Invoices and other Entries, giving your business the flexibility to deliver customized documents to your clients. Let’s dive into the step-by-step guide on how to navigate, create, customize, and use Print Templates.

Navigating to Print Templates

  1. To access Print Templates, go to the sidebar and follow this path: Setup > Print Templates.
  2. Alternatively, you can easily search for it using the Quick Search feature. Just type “Print Template” and press enter.

Using Preloaded Templates

Empress comes preloaded with a variety of templates. You can use these as-is, or customize them to better fit your needs. Just hit Duplicate and start personalizing your template.

Creating a Print Template

  1. To create a new template, go to the Print Template list and click on the blue + button.
  2. This will open the Template Builder tool.
  3. To start customizing, click on the edit button next to the Save as PDF button to enable Edit Mode.
  4. Choose the template type. By default, Sales Invoice is selected, but you can create Print Templates for other entry types too.

Customize Template Display and Size

  1. You can change the example Entry displayed in the template. Empress will select the most recent entry by default.
  2. To adjust the size of the Print Template, click on the Set Print Size option in the ··· menu.

Editing the Template

  1. You can edit your template using the Template Editor on the left pane.
  2. Feel free to remove the preset template and create a new one that suits your needs.
  3. To display values in your template, mention their keys inside curly braces (for example, <h1>{{ }}</h1>). The is the key for Invoice No, and it will be displayed in an h1 element.
  4. For a list of available values, click on the Key Hints section below the Template Editor.

Styling the Template

You can style your templates using inline CSS styles or utility classes from tailwindcss.

Applying Changes

To apply the changes made in the editor, click outside the template editor or press the shortcut keys (⌃ return for macOS and Ctrl Enter for other operating systems).

Using the Template

  1. After editing your template, click on the blue Save button to save the changes.
  2. To use the template, go to the entry and click on the Print button.
  3. Once you’re satisfied with your selection, click on the blue Save as PDF button to save it.

Tips for Creating Templates

If you’re not familiar with HTML, CSS, and Vue.js Template Syntax, creating a custom template can seem daunting. A practical approach is to duplicate one of the Preloaded Templates and edit the duplicate. This way, you can make small changes, see how it affects the Preview, and gradually modify the template to your liking.

Creating and customizing Print Templates in Empress Finance is a powerful tool to personalize your business documents. This feature enhances your business process by allowing you to design and create unique documents that cater to your business needs and style. For additional support or resources, feel free to explore other non-technical guides and guides from Empress.