Personalizing Dashboard View with Empress Module Visibility


Empress is a comprehensive business management system that caters to a multitude of industries. One of the system’s core features is the flexibility it offers users to customize their dashboard view according to their unique business needs. In Empress, the different functionalities are represented as ‘Modules’, and these modules appear as ‘Cards’ on your dashboard.

Introduction: What are Modules?

Modules in Empress are essentially the different functionalities or business areas that the system can manage. Some of these include Human Resources, Accounting, CRM, and many more. Each of these modules appears as a separate card on your dashboard, making it easy to navigate to the specific area you need.

Customizing Your Empress Dashboard

You can easily customize the visibility of these modules on your dashboard to suit your specific business needs. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. On the top right corner of your home screen, you will find the ‘Show / Hide Modules’ option. Click on this.

  2. You will now see a list of all available modules. You can choose to show or hide any of these modules by simply selecting or deselecting them.

  3. Once you’ve made your selections, refresh your Empress account. The changes will be applied and you’ll see your customized dashboard with the selected modules.

What About User Roles and Permissions?

In Empress, different users may have different permissions based on their roles within the company. If a user does not have permissions to access certain documents within a module, that module will automatically be hidden from their view.

For example, if a user does not have permissions for Purchase Orders, Purchase Requests, or Suppliers, the ‘Buying’ module will not be visible to them.

If you believe you should have access to a particular module but cannot see it, check to ensure you’ve been assigned the appropriate role and permissions. You may also need to check the ‘Allow Modules’ section in your settings to ensure the module has been enabled for your user profile.

Conclusion: The Benefits of Customizing Module Visibility

Customizing module visibility in Empress allows you to create a personalized and streamlined dashboard that suits your specific business needs. By displaying only the modules that are relevant to you, you can navigate the system more efficiently and focus on your core tasks, ultimately enhancing your business processes.

For more user-friendly guidance on making the most of Empress, please refer to our comprehensive User Guide or reach out to our Support Team.