Personalizing Your Empress Desk and Workspaces


Welcome to Empress! In this guide, we’ll guide you through setting up your Desk and personalizing your Workspaces. We’ll cover the basics of what you’ll see when you log in and show you how to tailor the interface to better suit your business needs.

Your Empress Desk

When you first sign into Empress, you’ll land on your Desk. Think of the Desk as your mission control center—it’s where you’ll navigate to all the different parts of Empress. On the left-hand side of your Desk, you’ll see a sidebar divided into categories. Each item in the sidebar links to a different Workspace.

What is a Workspace?

A Workspace is like a dedicated office for a particular area of your business, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Each Workspace includes a few key features:

  • A Dashboard specific to that module.
  • A Shortcuts section for fast access to frequently used pages or transactions.
  • A Masters section where all relevant reports and masters are grouped.

Standard Workspace

Each module in Empress comes with its own pre-set Standard Workspace. This is a ready-to-use Workspace with useful shortcuts and links. You can personalize your Standard Workspace by clicking on the ‘Customize Workspace’ option at the top right corner of the Workspace.

Remember: Any changes you make will only be visible to you.

Custom Workspace

You can also create your own Workspaces. Here’s a simple guide to creating a new Workspace:

  1. Go to the Workspace list and click on ‘New’.
  2. Name: Write the name you’d like to see in the sidebar.
  3. Module: Select the module that the Workspace will represent.
  4. Is Standard: If you check this box, this Workspace will appear in the sidebar. If not checked, it will be treated as a custom version of a Standard Workspace.
  5. Extends Another Page: If you check this, this Workspace will be seen as a customized version of another Workspace.
  6. Is Default: If checked, this Workspace will be the default Workspace displayed to all users for that module.
  7. Dashboard: Add a Dashboard to have it at the top of the Workspace.
  8. Shortcuts: Add Shortcuts to a specific page, reports, or list to display below the dashboard.
  9. Link Cards: Add cards that link to a specific page, report, or list. These need to be added in a specific JSON format.

By following these steps, you can create a Workspace that’s tailored to your business operations, making it easier for you to navigate and manage tasks on the Empress platform.

This guide is just the beginning. As you get more familiar with Empress, you’ll see how customizable it is and how much it can streamline your business processes. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.