Printing Cancelled Invoices for Transparent Record-Keeping



Empress introduces a user-friendly feature called Print Cancelled Invoice. This feature is essential for businesses as it allows users to print invoices that have been cancelled. Keeping a record of all transactions, including those that have been cancelled, is important for auditing purposes and maintaining transparency in business operations.

Primary Functions and Benefits

The Print Cancelled Invoice feature in Empress provides several benefits:

  • Organized Record Keeping: It helps keep your financial records organized by allowing you to print cancelled invoices for your records. This makes it easy to track all transactions, whether successful or cancelled.

  • Easy Access: It provides easy access to cancelled invoices which can be important for auditing purposes.

  • Transparency: It helps maintain transparency in business transactions.

How to Use the Feature

Here’s how you can utilize the Print Cancelled Invoice feature in your everyday business operations:

  1. Access the Print Settings: Open Empress and navigate to the Print Settings. This is where you can modify your preferences for printing documents.

  2. Enable Printing of Cancelled Invoices: In the Print Settings, find and tick the checkbox that allows the printing of cancelled invoices. This will enable you to print cancelled invoices for record-keeping purposes.

  3. Save Your Settings: After ticking the checkbox, remember to save your settings. Empress does not automatically save your changes, so this step is crucial.

  4. Reload Empress: After saving your settings, reload Empress to ensure that your changes have been registered and applied.

Following these steps will allow you to print cancelled invoices whenever necessary, ensuring that all your business transactions, whether successful or not, are documented.

User Roles and Permissions

All users with access to the Print Settings in Empress can use this feature. However, it is recommended that only those in charge of financial record-keeping or auditing are allowed to modify these settings.


The Print Cancelled Invoice feature in Empress enhances business processes by ensuring that all transactions, including cancelled ones, are recorded and accessible. This contributes to organized record-keeping, easy access to financial records, and transparency in business transactions.

For more information, refer to the Empress User Guide or contact the Empress Support Team.