Refining Search Results with Empress 'Filter By' Feature


In Empress, the ‘Filter By’ option serves as a powerful tool to refine your search results when viewing a list or a report. This user-friendly feature is conveniently located on the left sidebar of all lists and reports, allowing you to filter your search results in a streamlined and efficient manner.

Understanding the Default Classification Options

Empress offers two standard classification options for the ‘Filter By’ feature:

Assigned To

When viewing a list or report of documents such as tasks, leads, or opportunities, the ‘Assigned To’ filter helps you narrow down your search results to only show documents assigned to a specific team member. This allows you to easily track and review tasks that are aligned to each individual.

Created By

The ‘Created By’ filter works similarly to ‘Assigned To.’ It enables you to classify documents based on the team member who created them. For example, you can use this filter to view all the tasks or issues initiated by a particular team member, providing valuable insight into individual workflow and productivity.

Customizing Filter Fields

Apart from the standard ‘Assigned To’ and ‘Created By’ options, Empress gives you the flexibility to add customized ‘Filter By’ fields to any document list or report. This ensures that you can adapt your search process to meet your specific business needs, providing an additional layer of customization to your Empress experience.

Conclusion: Enhancing Your Search Capabilities

The ‘Filter By’ feature in Empress is a powerful tool that can dramatically enhance your search capabilities. By utilizing this feature effectively, you can significantly improve your productivity and efficiency when navigating through Empress. This not only saves you valuable time but also allows you to easily track and manage tasks, leading to improved business operations.

For further assistance or to learn more about other Empress features, please refer to our non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.