Seamlessly Hosting Live Classes on Empress LMS


Welcome to the world of Empress Learning Management System (LMS) - an intuitive and robust platform designed to streamline your educational needs. One of the essential features of the Empress LMS is the ability to host live classes using Zoom. This feature allows you, as a moderator, to schedule and initiate live sessions directly from the class page. All enrolled students will receive a calendar invite, enhancing the convenience of the learning process.

Setting Up Live Classes

To host live classes, you’ll need to set up a Server to Server OAuth App through the Zoom App Marketplace. This process provides you with an Account ID, Client ID, and Client Secret, which are key identifiers you’ll use in the Zoom Settings Doctype on the Empress platform.

Creating a Server to Server OAuth App

Setting up a Server to Server OAuth App is a straightforward process. Once complete, you’ll have your Account ID, Client ID, and Client Secret—three crucial components you’ll need to input into your Zoom Settings Doctype on Empress.

Enabling Calendar Invites

To ensure your students receive an invite for each live class, you need to activate your Google settings and link the Google calendar associated with your moderator or instructor account. This activation process ensures each student receives a timely calendar invite for every live class.

Scheduling a Live Class

Once you have your Server to Server OAuth App set up, and Google Calendar invites enabled, you’re ready to schedule a live class. Keep in mind that a live class can only be created if there are students enrolled in the class.

How to Create a Live Class

Creating a live class is a simple process:

  1. Visit the class page.
  2. Click on the button labeled Create a Live Class.
  3. Fill in the necessary details in the dialog that appears.

For the Auto Recording feature to function correctly, ensure that Automatic Recording is enabled on your Zoom Account. Once you’ve filled in the necessary details, the live class will be saved in both your Zoom account and the Empress LMS backend. A calendar invite will then be dispatched to all the students enrolled in the class.

In conclusion, the Empress LMS’s integration with Zoom provides a seamless and convenient way of managing live classes. This feature not only simplifies the process of setting up and scheduling live classes but also ensures a smooth and efficient learning experience for both you and your students.