Seamlessly Syncing Multiple Email Accounts with Empress


With Empress, managing multiple email accounts is as simple as it can get. This guide will guide you on how to set up and configure your email accounts for seamless integration with Empress, making sure your business communications are always streamlined and efficient.

To get started, navigate to your Email Accounts in Empress through:

Home > Settings > Email Account

Before You Begin

Before you set up an Email Account, you should have an Email Domain ready. If you’re using one of the listed services, you can skip this step.

Let’s Create an Email Account

  1. Go to the Email Account list and click on New.
  2. Type in your email address along with its domain. Remember, you need to create the domain before creating an email account, unless you’re syncing an email from specific providers.
  3. Now, enter the email account password.
  4. Click on Save. If the details you entered are correct, your email account will be synced.

If you’re using Gmail, you might need to enable 2FA and use App Passwords.

Some Extra Options When Creating an Email Account

Here are some additional features you can use when creating an Email Account:

  1. Use Different Email Login ID: This feature lets you use a different email login and password to access the account.
  2. Awaiting password: This option is useful if you’re creating the account for someone else and you don’t know the password. The user will be asked to enter the password when they log in.
  3. Use ASCII encoding for password: This feature encodes the password in ASCII format.

Configuring Your Email Account

Default Email Accounts

By default, Empress creates templates for several email accounts. To activate them, you need to enter valid email account details.

There are two types of email accounts: outgoing and incoming. Outgoing email accounts use an SMTP service to send emails, whereas incoming emails are retrieved from your inbox using an IMAP or POP.

Setting Up Incoming Email Accounts

To set up an incoming Email Account, check the Enable Incoming box and configure your POP3 settings.

Incoming emails offer the following features:

  1. Use IMAP
  2. Use SSL
  3. Attachment Limit
  4. Default Incoming: If this box is checked, all replies to your company will come to this account.
  5. Email Sync Option: Choose whether to sync all emails or only unseen ones.
  6. Initial Sync Count: Decide the number of emails to sync at first.

Linking Emails to Documents

Empress allows emails sent to a specific email account to be linked to documents. With Automatic Linking in Documents enabled, emails will be automatically linked to the relevant documents.

Setting Up Outgoing Email Accounts

Outgoing Email Accounts are used to send emails from the system, either by user contact, notifications, or transaction emails.

To set up an outgoing Email Account, check the Enable Outgoing box and configure your SMTP server settings.

Outgoing emails offer the following features:

  1. Use TLS
  2. Port
  3. Disable SMTP server authentication
  4. Add Signature
  5. Default Outgoing
  6. Always use Account’s Email Address as Sender
  7. Send unsubscribe message in an email
  8. Track Email Status
  9. Enable Auto Reply
  10. Append Outgoing Email to Sent Folder
  11. Use SSL for Outgoing Emails

How Empress Handles Replies

When you send an email to a contact like a customer, the sender will be the user who sent the email. In the Reply-To property, the Email Address will be of the default incoming account. Empress will automatically extract these emails from the incoming account and tag them to the relevant communication.

Note: For outgoing emails, you should set up your own SMTP server or sign up with an SMTP relay service that allows a larger number of transactional emails. Regular email services may limit the number of emails you can send per day.

If you encounter any issues when configuring an email account, please refer to the troubleshooting guide.

In conclusion, syncing your Email Accounts with Empress enhances your business processes by simplifying email management, streamlining communications, and improving efficiency. Remember, Empress is here to make your business operations effortless!