Securing Business Data with Empress Cloud Backup Features


In today’s digital business world, data is everything. And with Empress Cloud’s backup features, your business data is secure, accessible, and manageable at all times. This guide will introduce you to Empress Cloud’s Backup Features, explain how to use them, and highlight how they can support your everyday business operations.

Introduction to Empress Cloud Backup Features

Empress Cloud’s backup features provide a powerful tool for safeguarding your business data. Empress Cloud automatically backs up your sites every six hours, ensuring that your valuable data is always protected. And if six-hour intervals aren’t enough, you can manually trigger a backup operation at any time.

Businesses on USD 25 and above plans can also benefit from offsite backups. These are backups stored on a different server than the site, adding an extra layer of protection for your data.

Downloading Backups

To download a backup, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to your site page.
  2. Select the Backups tab.
  3. From here, you can see a list of previous backups. Each backup consists of three parts: a database backup, a public files backup, and a private files backup.
  4. Simply select the backup you wish to download.

Manual Backup Triggering

If you need to manually trigger a backup operation, here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Backups tab.
  2. Click the Schedule Backup with Files button.
  3. The backup operation will be queued and may take a few minutes to complete.

Offsite Backups

For businesses on USD 25 and above plans, offsite backups are available. Every fourth automated backup is stored offsite.

Offsite backups are clearly marked in the Backups tab.

To maximize storage efficiency, Empress keeps a certain number of offsite backups at all times:

  • 7 daily
  • 4 weekly
  • 12 monthly
  • 10 yearly

Weekly backups are taken every Sunday, monthly backups are taken on the first day of the month, and yearly backups are taken on the first day of the year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my backup size appear smaller than the database usage I see in the dashboard?

The backup files are compressed using a standard tool called gzip, resulting in smaller file sizes. These backup files are static, meaning no operations are performed on them. You can download and decompress a backup with gzip to compare the sizes. The decompressed backup should be almost the same size as what you see in your dashboard.


Empress Cloud’s backup features offer an invaluable tool for businesses to ensure their data is secure, accessible, and manageable. By understanding and utilizing these features, you can safeguard your business operations and ensure continuity. For further information and support, visit Empress Cloud’s support pages or contact their customer service.