Self-Signup Feature in Empress: Streamlining Business Interactions


In today’s fast-paced digital business environment, providing a seamless user experience for your customers and suppliers is crucial. The Self-Signup feature in Empress is designed to facilitate this, enabling your customers and suppliers to create their own accounts, thus fostering improved interaction and transparency between your business and its stakeholders. This easy-to-use feature is geared towards enhancing the business experience for all parties involved.

The Power of Self-Signup

The Self-Signup feature puts the power in the hands of your customers and suppliers, allowing them to register for an account quickly and easily. By doing so, they can effectively manage their transactions, view and track their orders, and communicate directly with your business, all in one place. This level of accessibility enhances the overall business process and can contribute significantly to customer satisfaction and supplier engagement.

How to Enable Self-Signup

  1. Accessing the Login Page:
    To enable the Self-Signup feature, you first need to log in to your Empress account. From the homepage, navigate to the login page.

  2. Activating Signup:
    On the login page, your customers and suppliers will find an option to sign up. This is where they can create their own accounts.

  3. Entering Details:
    During the signup process, your customers or suppliers will need to input their personal details, such as their name and ID, in the corresponding fields.

  4. Confirmation and Password Setup:
    Once the signup process is completed, an automatic confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address. This email will contain important information including password details. Customers and suppliers should check their inbox (and possibly their spam folder) to retrieve this email. It’s crucial that these password details are kept safe and confidential. They can, however, change their password once they log in for the first time.

The Benefits of Self-Signup

By enabling the Self-Signup feature, you are promoting transparency and fostering better business relationships. The ease of access and control offered by this feature can greatly enhance the experience for your customers and suppliers, encouraging loyalty and strengthening your business network.

For further assistance with navigating Empress and its features, please visit our Help Center or reach out to our Support Team.