Setting and Tracking Sales Goals with Empress


Welcome to our guide on how to set and track your company’s sales goals using Empress. In the world of business, setting clear, attainable sales targets and diligently monitoring your progress towards them is crucial. Empress provides an intuitive, user-friendly platform to help you do just that.

Feature Name: Sales Settings

The Sales Settings feature in Empress allows you to establish monthly sales targets for your company. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Navigate to the Company master dashboard.
  2. Look for the Sales Settings section. This is where you can define your monthly sales target.
  3. The dashboard will display a month-by-month breakdown of your past sales, giving you a clear understanding of your sales trends. Use this information to set realistic goals for the future.

Feature Name: Sales Target Tracking

Once you’ve set your sales target, Empress lets you track your progress right from the dashboard itself. Here’s how:

  1. Keep an eye on the Sales Target field on your dashboard. This will show your progress in relation to the target you’ve set.
  2. By tracking your progress regularly, you can identify any potential issues and take corrective measures if necessary, ensuring you stay on track to achieve your goals.

Feature Name: Sales Target Notifications

To ensure everyone on your team is informed about your progress towards the sales target, Empress displays the target progress in notifications. Here’s how it works:

  1. Once you start making progress towards your sales target, Empress will generate automatic notifications.
  2. These notifications give your team a quick, easy way to stay updated on your sales performance.
  3. This feature promotes transparency and instills a sense of collective responsibility within your team to achieve the set targets.


By harnessing the power of the Sales Settings, Sales Target Tracking, and Sales Target Notifications features, Empress equips your company with the tools to effectively set, track, and reach sales targets. This can lead to increased revenue and significant business growth. Remember to review and adjust your sales targets regularly based on your ongoing performance and market trends to ensure they stay relevant and challenging. For more information or assistance, please refer to our range of non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.