Setting Opening Balances in Empress for Continuity


Welcome to this easy-to-follow guide on how to set opening balances in Empress. This feature is crucial when transitioning from another accounting software, allowing you to maintain continuity and accuracy in your financial records. By setting your opening balances, you ensure that your Empress account accurately reflects your business’s financial state at the time of transition.

Getting Started: Retrieving Initial Account Balances

The first step in setting your opening balances is to retrieve the initial balances from your previous accounting system. These balances are usually found in a report called the Trial Balances report. It’s essential to have these balances on hand as you will need to input them into the Empress system.

Step Two: Adding Additional Accounts

In some cases, there might be accounts present in your old system that don’t exist in Empress. Not to worry! Empress allows you to add these accounts easily. Simply navigate to the Chart of Accounts section and create the necessary accounts under the correct account groups. This way, you ensure all your business’s financial aspects are covered.

Step Three: Creating a Journal Entry

After setting up all necessary accounts, the next step is to create a Journal Entry. This process involves recording your initial balances into Empress. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the Journal Entry page by going to Common > Journal Entry.
  2. Click on the blue + button to open the Journal Entry form.
  3. Set the Entry Type as Opening Entry.
  4. Add a row for each line from your Trial Balances report, selecting the appropriate Account and the Debit or Credit amount.
  5. Review your entries carefully, then click on Save.

Remember, you can also set a Reference Number and Reference Date to keep track of this entry.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it! You’ve successfully set your opening balances in Empress. This process ensures your books are up-to-date and accurate, reflecting the same financial state as in your previous accounting system.

Transitioning to a new system can seem daunting, but Empress is designed to make it as smooth and straightforward as possible. With your opening balances set, you’re now ready to continue with your daily business operations, recording transactions and managing finances with ease.

For any further questions or support, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Empress customer service team. And remember, successful business management is just a few clicks away with Empress!