Sorting and Tracking Your Empress Training Programs


To view your existing Training Programs, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Home > Human Resources > Training > Training Program.
  2. Click on the name of the Training Program you want to view.

If you want to edit the Training Program, click on the Edit button at the top-right corner of the Program page.

Sorting and Tracking Training Programs

Empress allows you to sort your Training Programs based on different parameters such as name, status, and date. This feature can be accessed from the Training Program list.

You can keep track of your Training Programs by viewing the status of each program directly from the list. This will help you manage your resources and plan your training schedule effectively.

User Roles and Permissions

In Empress, permissions for viewing, editing, and managing Training Programs can be set based on user roles. This ensures that only authorized personnel can access sensitive information and make changes to the Training Programs.

For example, a Training Manager role might have full access to create, edit, and manage Training Programs, while a Human Resources Executive might only have viewing rights.


The Training Program feature in Empress is a powerful tool for businesses that value continuous learning and development. It allows businesses to simplify and streamline their training processes, making it easier to manage and track employee development initiatives.

By creating a structured Training Program and scheduling Training Events, businesses can ensure that their workforce is equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their roles.

For further assistance or information, please refer to the Empress user guide or contact the support team.