Streamline Financial Management with Empress' Bank Reconciliation


Welcome to our guide on managing banking transactions in Empress. Empress offers a unique feature that allows you to save different banks, upload an excel sheet, and map the transactions directly to the ledger, streamlining your banking operations. This guide aims to guide you on using this feature, called Bank Reconciliation, in a simple, user-friendly manner.

Why Use Bank Reconciliation in Empress?

From a business perspective, tracking financial transactions is crucial for successful financial management. With the Bank Reconciliation feature, Empress makes this process a breeze. All your transactions are saved as Bank Transactions and can be referred to for generating reports, providing you with a comprehensive overview of your banking activities.

Accessing the Bank Feature

To kickstart the process, you need to access the Bank feature in Empress. Here’s the pathway for easy navigation:

Home > Accounting > Bank Statement > Bank

Creating a New Bank

Before you start mapping transactions, you need to create a new bank. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Bank list.
  2. Click on the ‘New’ button.
  3. Enter a name for the bank.

Configuring Data Import for a Bank

To make the most out of the Bank Reconciliation feature, you need to configure data import for a bank. Here’s how:

  1. Select the field that you want to update in the ‘Bank Statement Transaction Entry’ form under the ‘Field in Bank Transaction’.
  2. Input the column in the excel file (exported from the bank) under the ‘Column in Bank File’.

Once you’ve set up these configurations, you can execute Bank Reconciliation with ease.

Benefits of Bank Reconciliation

By leveraging the Bank Reconciliation feature in Empress:

  • You have a clear and organized view of your banking transactions.
  • You can keep track of your cash flow with ease.
  • You can compile financial reports efficiently.


The Bank Reconciliation feature in Empress simplifies your financial management tasks, allowing you to stay organized and keep close tabs on your transactions. It enhances your business processes and helps you manage your banking operations effectively.

For additional assistance or more non-technical resources, please feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help you make the most out of Empress.