Streamline Manufacturing with Empress Routing Feature


Routing is a core feature of Empress that allows you to create templates for various Bill of Materials (BOM) operations. This feature is a valuable asset for businesses that use similar operations for manufacturing different items. By using Routing, you can streamline your operations, improve efficiency, and reduce the likelihood of mistakes.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to create, edit, and sort your Routing templates, and explain how you can use this feature in your everyday business operations.

Getting Started with Routing

To get started, you’ll need to navigate to the Routing list. Here’s how to get there:

Home > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials > Routing

Before you create a Routing, ensure that you have the following in place:

  • An established operation
  • A setup workstation

Creating a Routing

Once you’re ready, follow these steps to create a new Routing:

  1. Navigate to the Routing list and click on ‘New’.
  2. Provide a unique name for your Routing.
  3. Enter the details of your operations in the BOM Operation table:
    1. Select the Operation.
    2. The default Workstation will be auto-filled.
    3. Enter the Hourly Rate for operating this Operation.
    4. Provide the Operation Time in minutes.
    5. Enter the Batch Size, which is the number of units processed in this Operation.
    6. The Operating Cost will be calculated based on the Hourly Rate and Operation Time.
  4. Click on ‘Save’.

After saving, your Routing will be available for selection in a BOM to fetch the stored operations.

Using Sequence ID in Routing

One of the key features of Routing is the Sequence ID. This feature ensures operations are carried out in the correct order. If a user tries to complete an operation before its preceding operations (as per the Sequence ID), the system will display a validation error. This helps maintain the integrity of your manufacturing process.

Benefits of Routing in Empress

Routing in Empress offers several advantages for your business:

  • Streamlined Operations: By creating a Routing for recurring operations, you can avoid unnecessary repetition and streamline your manufacturing processes.
  • Improved Efficiency: With all operations organized in a single template, you can improve operational efficiency and productivity.
  • Reduced Errors: The Sequence ID feature ensures all operations are carried out in the correct order, reducing the likelihood of mistakes.

In conclusion, Routing is a powerful feature in Empress that can significantly improve your manufacturing workflow. By becoming proficient with Routing, you can enhance your operational efficiency and reduce the chance of errors, ultimately benefiting your bottom line.