Streamline Professional Development with Empress' Training Event Feature


Welcome to the Training Event feature of Empress - your one-stop solution for all training-related scheduling and management needs. This feature allows you to schedule, invite and manage participants for various professional development activities like seminars, workshops, and webinars.

Accessing the Training Event Feature

To start using the Training Event feature, navigate through the Empress interface as follows:

Home > Human Resources > Training > Training Event

Getting Started

Before diving into creating a Training Event, ensure you have the following details handy:

  • Training Program: This is essentially your training blueprint. It’s the organized curriculum or plan you have for training.
  • Employee: The details of the individual(s) who will be participating in the Training Event.

How to Create a Training Event

Creating a new Training Event is a breeze with these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Training Event list and click on New.
  2. Fill in the Event Name.
  3. Choose the Event Type.
  4. Select the appropriate Event Level (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert).
  5. Input the Trainer Name, Email, and Contact Number.
  6. Pick the relevant Event Course. Update the Start Time, End Time, and Location of the Training Event.
  7. Optionally, you may include a brief Description of the event.
  8. Once you’re done, click on Save and then Submit.

Note: If the Training Event offers a certification upon completion, don’t forget to check the ‘Has Certificate’ checkbox.

Key Features

Inviting Employees to the Event

The Training Event feature allows you to invite employees to participate directly. Simply select the employees in the Employees table. The status of the invited employees will automatically be set to ‘Open’.

Once you submit the Training Event, a notification will be sent to the invited employees, informing them about the event. This is done through the Training Scheduled Email Alert. You can customize the content of this alert to suit your specific communication needs.

With the Training Event feature in Empress, scheduling, managing and tracking professional development activities within your organization has never been easier. This feature is designed to streamline your training processes, save you time, and improve your overall efficiency. For more information or assistance with the Training Event feature, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.