Streamlining Attendance Record Management with Bulk Upload


Welcome to an in-depth guide on how to use the Bulk Attendance Upload feature in Empress. This feature is designed to streamline your business operations by allowing you to enter multiple attendance records simultaneously, using a CSV file. This function eliminates the need for manual data entry, saving you valuable time and reducing potential errors.

Getting Started

To find the Bulk Attendance Upload feature, simply follow this straightforward path on the Empress system:

Home > Human Resources > Attendance > Upload Attendance

Preparation: Setting Up Employee Data

Before you can get the most out of the Bulk Attendance Upload feature, it’s essential to ensure your employee data is already established within the system. This means you should have the basic details of each employee for whom you wish to upload attendance records.

For more information on setting up and managing employee records, you can refer to the Employee page in our Empress user manual.

How to Use the Bulk Attendance Upload Feature

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use this feature:

  1. Fill in the Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date in the respective fields.
  2. Click on the Get Template button. This will automatically download a CSV file featuring Employee Details.
  3. Open the downloaded CSV file and enter the Attendance Status (either “Present” or “Absent”) for each employee, according to the specified dates.
  4. Save your changes to the file.
  5. Upload the saved file back into the Empress system.

After you’ve followed these steps, your bulk attendance data will be uploaded, and individual attendance records will be created in the system for each employee.


While the bulk upload tool is a fantastic way to efficiently manage attendance records for a large number of employees, it’s crucial to ensure your CSV file data is accurate before uploading. Incorrect data can lead to discrepancies in your attendance records.


The Bulk Attendance Upload feature in Empress is a powerful tool that makes tracking and managing employee attendance much more efficient. By following this guide, you’ll be able to use this feature to save time, improve accuracy, and boost productivity in your organization.