Streamlining Business Operations: Including Document Links in Emails


Welcome to this Empress guide! Today, we’re going to cover a valuable feature that can greatly enhance your business operations: Including Document Links in Notification Emails. This feature will allow you to incorporate the ID of a specific document as a clickable link in the notification emails you send out. This is especially useful when you wish to direct your team’s attention to specific documents such as new material requests, project updates, or invoices.

Feature Overview

The Including Document Links in Notification Emails feature is a fantastic tool for ensuring that your email communications are both timely and informative. By including a link to a specific document directly in your email notifications, you streamline your business operations and make information access a breeze. This is a significant boon for workflow management as it allows for quick navigation to pertinent documents, thus speeding up the process and increasing overall efficiency.

How to Include Document Links in Notification Emails

Step 1: Creating a New Notification

To begin, you’ll need to create a new notification. To do this, navigate to the Notification list and click on ‘New’. You can set this notification for any type of document.

Step 2: Embedding the Document Link in the Email Message

The next step is to embed the document ID into your email message. To do this, you will need to add a specific piece of text, known as a ‘snippet’, to your email message field. Simply copy and paste the following snippet into the email message field:

**<a href=""></a>**

This snippet of text will generate a clickable link to the document in question, using the document’s unique ID.

Step 3: Sending and Receiving the Email Notification

With the document link embedded in your email, you’re now ready to send out your notification. Every time a new document is created that matches the conditions of the notification you set up, an email will be sent out that includes a link to the new document.

Step 4: Accessing the Document via the Link

When the recipient of the email notification clicks on the document link, they will be directed straight to the document in question. This allows for instant access and eliminates the need for manual searching.


The Including Document Links in Notification Emails feature is a powerful tool that can significantly improve the flow of information in your business. By ensuring that your team can quickly and easily access the documents they need, you’ll enhance your business process efficiency and productivity.

For further assistance with this feature or any other Empress features, don’t hesitate to check out our other guides or reach out to our support team. Happy managing!