Streamlining Business Operations with Empress Essentials


Welcome to this business-user-friendly guide on setting up the essentials in Empress. This step-by-step guide will walk you through how to add additional bank accounts, set up taxes, include sales items, and register customers in Empress. As a business user, you’ll appreciate how these features streamline your operations, making it easier to manage your finances, sales, and customer relations.

Adding Additional Bank Accounts

If your business operates with more than one bank account, Empress allows you to incorporate those accounts easily.

Follow these steps to add an additional bank account:

  1. Navigate to the Chart of Accounts page by clicking on Setup > Chart of Accounts from the sidebar.
  2. Open the Bank Accounts group and click on Add Account under Application of Funds (Assets) > Current Assets > Bank Accounts > Add Account.
  3. Enter the name of the bank account and press enter.

Once done, your new bank account is created within Empress, and you can now manage funds in and out of this account.

Setting Up Taxes

If your business charges or recovers sales taxes, it’s crucial to add these to Empress.

Follow these steps to add taxes:

  1. Navigate to the Taxes page by clicking on Setup > Taxes from the sidebar.
  2. Click on the blue + button to create a new tax entry.
  3. Enter a unique name for the tax. You might want to include the rate in the name for easy identification (e.g., Service Tax - 5%).
  4. Select the tax account and rate.
  5. Save your changes.

You can add multiple rows with different tax accounts, making it easier to apply a set of taxes frequently applied together on an item.

Adding Sales Items

Adding your products or services to Empress is a straightforward process.

Follow these steps to add sales items:

  1. Navigate to Sales Items by clicking on Sales > Sales Items from the sidebar.
  2. Click on the blue + button to create a new item entry.
  3. Enter the item’s name and rate.
  4. Specify whether your item is a product or a service.
  5. Set the default tax for your item. This tax will automatically apply when you create an invoice.
  6. Save your changes.

You can further detail your item, set an image for it, and specify income or expense accounts associated with it.

Adding Customers

Registering your customers in Empress enables you to record their details and select them in sales invoices.

Follow these steps to add customers:

  1. Navigate to Customers by clicking on Sales > Customers from the sidebar.
  2. Click on the blue + button to create a new customer entry.
  3. Enter the customer’s name.
  4. Save your changes.

You can also enter additional details such as the customer’s email and phone number. These details will show up when creating a Sales Invoice PDF.


Congratulations! You’ve now set up the necessary initial entries in Empress. By adding your bank accounts, taxes, sales items, and customers, you’ve taken a significant step towards streamlining your business processes. These features are designed to simplify your everyday business operations through an easy-to-use interface.

For more information on using Empress or for further assistance, please visit the Empress support page or contact our support team. We’re ready to help you get the most out of Empress for your business.