Streamlining Business Operations with Empress Purchase Invoices


In the world of business, keeping an organized record of your transactions is crucial. Empress offers a feature that allows you to manage your purchases in a streamlined way. This feature, Purchase Invoices, helps you handle the bills you receive from your suppliers when making a purchase.

Creating Purchase Invoices

Creating a Purchase Invoice in Empress is a straightforward process, assuming you have already set up your Accounts, Taxes, Purchase Items, and Suppliers.

To create a Purchase Invoice:

  1. Navigate to the Purchase Invoices page by clicking on Purchases > Purchase Invoices in the main navigation menu.
  2. Click on the blue + button to open the Purchase Invoice form.
  3. Select the Supplier from whom you are making the purchase.
  4. Click on Add Row and select the item you’re purchasing. The default tax will be fetched, but you can alter it if necessary.
  5. Input the quantity of the item.
  6. Add more items if needed. When you’re finished, click on Save.
  7. Once you’ve finalized the invoice, click on Submit. Empress will automatically record the appropriate ledger entries.

Please note that once the invoice is in the Submitted state, it cannot be edited.

Making Purchase Payments

After submitting a purchase invoice, the next step is to record the payment against it. This action indicates that the bill has been paid.

To make a Payment:

  1. Navigate to the Purchase Invoice.
  2. Click on the ... menu button and select Make Payment.
  3. This action will open a quick edit form for payment with the outstanding amount auto-filled.
  4. Adjust the values if necessary and click Save. This will Save and Submit the Payment.

Empress will then automatically increase the payment amount in Accounts Payable and decrease the amount in your Bank or Cash Account. The outstanding amount on the invoice form will also be updated.

Understanding Purchase Invoice Status

The status of the Purchase Invoice will be Unpaid until payments are made to settle the Outstanding Amount. Once the Outstanding Amount reaches zero, the status will change to Paid.

Setting Up Auto Payments

To streamline the Purchase Invoice to Payment workflow, Empress offers an Auto Payments feature. To set this up, you need to set the default accounts for Sales Payment. Navigate to Setup > Settings > Defaults > Auto Payments to do this. With Auto Payments enabled, a Payment entry will be automatically created whenever you submit a Purchase Invoice.

If you want to disable Auto Payments for a single Purchase Invoice, uncheck the Make Payment On Submit checkbox in the Settings tab before submitting the Purchase Invoice entry.


The Purchase Invoices feature in Empress significantly simplifies business operations by providing a seamless platform to create, pay, and manage your purchase invoices. By leveraging this feature, you can streamline your purchase-to-payment process, ensuring accurate and efficient record-keeping for your business transactions. For additional support or resources, refer to our Empress User Guide or reach out to our Support Team.