Streamlining Business Operations with Exotel Integration


Welcome to the Empress guide on Exotel integration. This feature allows you to seamlessly connect your Exotel account with your Empress account, creating a streamlined process for capturing and managing leads directly through your Empress platform.

What is the Exotel Integration?

Exotel Integration in Empress means that any leads and their phone numbers you gather via Exotel can be automatically saved to your Empress account. This integration offers two key features:

  • Tracking incoming calls: This feature allows you to keep a record of all incoming calls in your Empress account, which can be beneficial for customer service follow-ups and comprehensive client records.
  • Existing lead/customer information pop-up: When an incoming call is received, a pop-up showing existing lead or customer information is displayed to your employees. This enables your team to deliver personalized customer service and facilitates efficient client management.

How to Set Up Exotel Integration

Setting up your Exotel Integration is an easy three-step process:

1. Setting up your Exotel Account

  • Log into your Exotel account and navigate to the App Bazar.

  • Create a new App for a new flow.

  • Set up the flow according to your preferences.

  • In your connect API, under “Create popup…” paste the following URL:

    • Note: Replace <your-site> in URL with your site name.
  • Add a Passthru applet under “After Call Conversation ends” and paste the following URL: https://<your-site>/api/method/erpnext.erpnext_integrations.exotel_integration.handle_end_call

  • Check the box “Make Passthru Async”.

  • Similarly, add a Passthru applet under the “If nobody answers…” section and paste the following URL: https://<your-site>/api/method/erpnext.erpnext_integrations.exotel_integration.handle_missed_call

  • Again, check the box “Make Passthru Async”.

  • Save the flow.

  • Finally, assign this newly created app to your ExoPhone, which you use to receive your business calls.

2. Setting up Exotel Integration in Empress

  • From the Awesome Bar in Empress, navigate to ‘Exotel Settings’.
  • Enter your “Exotel SID” and “Exotel Token”. You can find these details on your Exotel Dashboard.
  • Navigate to Communication Medium.
  • Add your ExoPhone and schedule that number accordingly. Based on this schedule, employees will receive the popup.


The Exotel Integration feature in Empress is a practical tool for businesses that rely on phone calls for lead generation, customer service, and other critical functions. By integrating your Exotel account with your Empress account, you can streamline your business operations and enhance your customer service experience.

For additional assistance or resources, please refer to our non-technical support options, or contact our support team for any further queries.