Streamlining Business Transactions with Empress Quotations

Business transactions are a crucial part of any organization. To streamline your process, Empress offers a feature to create quotations for all your business deals. This guide will guide you on how to create your first Quotation in Empress.

About the Create a Quotation Feature

Empress’s Create a Quotation feature lets you draft a quotation for both existing customers and prospects. This approved document will contain the items you sell and the proposed price, including any applied taxes. The final product is a ready-to-share, professional quotation in a print format.

Benefits of the Create a Quotation Feature

  • Streamline your sales process by creating professional quotations quickly and easily.
  • Track and manage your quotations in one place.
  • Ensure accuracy of pricing and taxes.

How to Create a Quotation

  1. Navigate to the Quotation feature on the Empress dashboard.
  2. Click on Create Entry.
  3. Input the required information, including customer details and item descriptions.
  4. Add the proposed prices for each item and apply any necessary taxes.
  5. Once completed, click on Validate Action to approve the document.
  6. You can now view your quotation in a ready-to-share print format.

Editing and Sorting Quotations

With Empress, you can easily manage your quotations. You can edit the details of an existing quotation by selecting the quotation and clicking Edit Entry. You can also sort your quotations based on various parameters such as date, customer, and price, making it easy to track and manage your business transactions.

User Roles and Permissions

To maintain data integrity and security, Empress provides different user roles and permissions. Only users with the right permissions can create, edit, and validate quotations. Speak to your Empress administrator if you need access or have any questions about your permissions.


The Create a Quotation feature in Empress simplifies your sales process, allowing you to create, manage, and share professional quotations. Remember, you can always reach out to Empress’s support if you need further assistance or have any queries.

By mastering this feature, you’re enhancing your business’s efficiency and professionalism. Keep exploring Empress’s features to discover more ways to streamline your business processes.