Streamlining Business with Amazon SP-API Connector



Welcome to the Amazon SP-API Connector guide. This feature allows you to streamline your business operations by integrating your Empress system with the Amazon marketplace. You can automatically retrieve Products and Sales Orders, which helps you to manage inventory, track sales, and enhance customer service efficiently.

Part 1: Installing the Amazon SP-API Connector

The Amazon Connector is now a standalone app available in the Empress Cloud Marketplace. Depending on your hosting setup, you can install the app as follows:

  • Empress Cloud Hosting: From your site Dashboard, you can install the app directly from the Empress Cloud Marketplace.
  • Managed by Empress: If your site is managed by Empress, raise a support request and we will install the app for you.
  • Self-Hosting Empress: If you are self-hosting Empress, you can install the app using the Empress bench. For guidance, refer to the bench documentation and use the command: bench get-app ecommerce_integrations --branch main.

Part 2: Configuring Amazon Credentials in Empress

Once you are a registered seller on Amazon Seller Central, you can request developer credentials. These credentials will be used to set up your SP-API credentials in Empress.

Step 1: Setting Up SP-API Credentials

You will need to input the following details: IAM ARN, Refresh Token, Client ID, Client Secret, AWS Access Key, AWS Secret Key, and Country.

Step 2: Configuring Order Details

Next, set up your company, warehouse, parent item group, price list, customer group, territory, customer type, and account group details. The Account Group is important for managing commissions, taxes, etc. charged by Amazon.

Step 3: Setting Up Sync Configurations

To sync orders created after a specific date, configure the ‘After Date’ option. If you have a large amount of historic data, we suggest starting with the most recent orders and importing data in small segments.

After you’ve configured all settings, activate the integration by clicking on ‘Is Active’ and then saving the settings.

Step 4: Mapping Amazon and Empress Items

To map Amazon items with corresponding Empress items, you can use both ASIN and SellerSKU. If you have pre-existing items in your system created through other integrations, you can set up a custom field within the Item Master using the Customize Form feature and setting the ASIN/SellerSKU as the value.

While syncing orders from Amazon, the system will try to find the Item Code using the field configured in the Amazon - Empress Item Mapping table. If the item isn’t found in the mapping table, you have the option to create a new item by checking the Create Item If Not Exists box.

Step 5: Syncing Orders

Click on ‘Sync Orders’ to synchronize sales orders. Upon successful syncing, your Amazon Orders will appear as Sales Orders in Empress. You can also set up a scheduler to automate order syncing.

Important Consideration

Please note that the connector does not handle order cancellations. If you cancel an order on Amazon, you must manually cancel the corresponding Sales Order and other related documents in Empress.


The Amazon SP-API Connector is a powerful tool that enhances your business processes by seamlessly integrating Empress with the Amazon marketplace. For further assistance, reach out to our support team or refer to our non-technical resources.