Streamlining Career Advancement with Empress' Employee Promotion


Empress offers a powerful feature, Employee Promotion, that allows you to handle all aspects of career advancement within your organization effectively. This user-friendly tool is designed to help you maintain clear and precise records of employee promotions, ensuring transparency and fairness in the workplace.

In business terms, this means you can track the growth of your employees, manage role transitions, and adjust pay scales with ease. The Employee Promotion feature supports you in fostering a motivating environment that encourages employee retention and satisfaction.

Navigating to the Feature

To access the Employee Promotion feature in Empress, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Human Resources in the main menu.
  2. Select Employee Lifecycle.
  3. Click on Employee Promotion.

Setting Up for Success

Before setting up an Employee Promotion, you’ll need to ensure you have the following:

  • Employee Data: This should include all necessary details about the employee who’s up for promotion.
  • Department Details: Information about the department to which the employee belongs.

Creating an Employee Promotion

To establish a new Employee Promotion, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the Employee Promotion page, click on New.
  2. Choose the employee who is being promoted.
  3. Input the Promotion Date, which is the date when the promotion will officially take effect.
  4. In the Employee Promotion Detail table, select the Property and define the Current and New value.

Note: The Employee Promotion document can be submitted on or after the Promotion Date. Once submitted, all changes added to the Promotion Details table will be applied to the Employee. Empress also keeps a track of all promotions of the Employee in the Employment History table in the Employee document.


Empress’s Employee Promotion feature is a key tool to streamline and enhance your HR processes. It lets you manage employee promotions in a systematic and transparent manner, fostering an environment of fairness and motivation. This feature, along with the rest of the Empress suite, is designed to help you optimize your business operations and foster a thriving workplace.

For further assistance, don’t hesitate to explore our additional resources or reach out to our support team.