Streamlining Course Scheduling with Empress Tool


The Course Scheduling Tool is an essential feature in Empress, designed to streamline the process of creating schedules for specific Student Groups and Instructors. This tool is particularly beneficial for businesses in the education sector, simplifying the scheduling process and saving valuable time.

Accessing the Course Scheduling Tool

Getting to the Course Scheduling Tool is straightforward. Navigate through the following path in the Empress user interface:

Home > Education > Schedule > Course Scheduling Tool

Essential Preparations for Course Scheduling

Before you dive into scheduling, ensure you have these four key elements prepared:

  1. Student Group: Define the group of students for whom you are creating the schedule.
  2. Instructor: Select the instructor who will be delivering the course.
  3. Course: Choose the specific course you intend to schedule.
  4. Room: Identify the room where the course will be held.

Having these details ready will facilitate a smooth scheduling process.

Creating a Course Schedule

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a course schedule using the Course Scheduling Tool:

  1. Add the Student Group. The Academic Term, Academic Year and the Program will be filled automatically.
  2. Add the Course.
  3. Add the Instructor who will be delivering the course.
  4. Add the Room where the course will be held.
  5. Set your preferred From Time and To Time.
  6. Choose the Course Start Date and Course End Date.
  7. Select the Day of the week the course will be held.
  8. Click on Schedule Course. The tool will automatically generate the course lectures based on your selected dates and days.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your course schedule will be ready for viewing and sharing.

Conclusion: Enhance Your Business Operations with the Course Scheduling Tool

The Course Scheduling Tool in Empress is a stellar feature that significantly simplifies the process of scheduling courses. By automating much of the scheduling process, it frees up time and resources, allowing you to concentrate on delivering high-quality education.

For additional help or more detailed instructions, please refer to our non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.