Streamlining Customer Relationships with Empress's CRM Note

Welcome to the guide for the CRM Note feature in Empress. This feature is designed to streamline your customer relationship management (CRM) efforts by providing a simple and intuitive platform for noting and tracking all interactions with your clients.

Introduction to CRM Note

The CRM Note feature in Empress is a dedicated space for you to record all your customer interactions. It allows for an organized, comprehensive view of each client’s history, enabling your team to deliver personalized service and build stronger relationships.

What Can You Do with CRM Note?

  • Record Interactions: Keep detailed notes about your conversations with customers, including their preferences, feedback, and any issues they’ve faced.
  • Track Communication: See when each note was added, and by whom, for a thorough record of your team’s communication with each client.
  • Sort and View Information: Sort notes by date, added by, or any other field to find the information you need quickly.

Using the CRM Note Feature

To use the CRM Note feature, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the CRM module in your Empress dashboard.
  2. Click on the CRM Note option from the list of features.
  3. Here, you will see a list of notes already added. Click on any note to view its details.
  4. To add a new note, click on the Add Note button. A form will appear where you can fill in the details about the interaction.
  5. Fill in the Note field with the details of the interaction. This field uses a Text Editor, so you can format your note as needed.
  6. In the Added By field, select the user who added the note. This helps track who interacted with the client.
  7. The Added On field will automatically capture the date and time the note was added.
  8. Click on Save to add the note to the CRM Note list.

Permissions and User Roles

The CRM Note feature is available to all users, but specific roles and permissions can be defined by an Administrator. This ensures that sensitive customer information is accessible only to those who need it.


The CRM Note feature is a powerful tool that can help your business deliver personalized service and improve customer relationship management. By keeping track of all customer interactions in one place, your team can work more efficiently and effectively. For further assistance, please refer to the Empress Support Center or get in touch with our customer service team.