Streamlining Driver Data with Empress Management Feature

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Driver Management Feature in Empress. This feature is designed to streamline and simplify the process of managing your company’s driver data.


The Driver Management Feature is an integral tool for businesses that need to manage and keep track of their drivers’ details, including essential data such as the full name, status, cellphone number, license details, and address of each driver. This feature is particularly useful for businesses in sectors like logistics, delivery, and transportation, where driver data management is a key operational necessity.

Feature Functionality

Here’s a quick overview of what you can do with the Driver Management Feature:

  1. View driver details: Easily view all essential data related to your drivers in one place, including their full names, statuses, cellphone numbers, license details, and addresses.

  2. Edit driver details: Update the information of your drivers as needed. For example, you can change a driver’s status to “Active”, “Suspended”, or “Left”.

  3. Sort driver details: You can sort your drivers based on different criteria for better organization. For example, you can sort drivers by their statuses or names.

  4. Track changes: The system keeps a record of all changes made to your drivers’ data, allowing you to maintain a history of edits for reference or auditing purposes.

User Roles and Permissions

The Driver Management Feature is designed to provide different levels of access to various roles within your organization:

  • Fleet Manager: Can view, print, export driver details, and read reports.
  • HR User: Can create, delete, view, print, export driver details, read reports, and make modifications.
  • HR Manager: Enjoys the same permissions as the HR User.
  • Delivery User: Can read, print, and view reports.
  • Delivery Manager: Can view, print, export driver details, read reports, make modifications, and share information.

How to Use the Driver Management Feature

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the Driver Management Feature:

  1. To view driver details, navigate to the Driver section in the Empress interface.

  2. To edit a driver’s details, simply click on the driver’s name, make the necessary changes, and save them.

  3. To sort driver details, use the ‘Sort’ function at the top of the Driver section. You can choose to sort by various fields such as ‘Full Name’, ‘Status’, etc.

  4. To track changes to driver information, navigate to the ‘Track Changes’ tab in the Driver section.

Remember, depending on your role, you may or may not have the permission to carry out certain actions.


The Driver Management Feature in Empress is a highly useful tool for businesses that manage a fleet of drivers. By offering a centralized system for driver data management, it enhances efficiency, promotes organization, and ensures seamless operations.

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