Streamlining E-Commerce with Empress Unicommerce Integration


Welcome to our detailed guide on integrating Empress with Unicommerce, a feature that can streamline your e-commerce operations and boost your online sales.

What is the Unicommerce Integration feature?

The Unicommerce Integration feature in Empress enables you to connect your Empress application with Unicommerce, a platform that combines multiple e-commerce platforms. This integration allows you to sell items through various marketplaces and process orders via Uniware, using Empress as the control center for your business operations.

By integrating Empress with Unicommerce, you can:

  • Sync your item catalogue between Empress and Unicommerce
  • Update your inventory levels from Empress to Unicommerce
  • Sync new sales orders
  • Sync sales invoices or generate new sales invoices

How to Install the Empress App

To enable Unicommerce Integration, you first need to install the Empress App. Here’s how:

  1. If your Empress site is hosted on Empress Cloud, install the app from your site Dashboard. Look for it in the Empress Cloud Marketplace.
  2. If your site is hosted by Empress, raise a support ticket to get the app installed.
  3. If you’re self-hosting Empress, install the app using Empress bench.

Setting Up Unicommerce Integration

After you’ve installed the Empress App, you need to authenticate with Unicommerce. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the “Unicommerce Settings” page.
  2. Enable the “Unicommerce” checkbox.
  3. Enter your Unicommerce site, username, and password.
  4. The client ID is added by default. Update it if you’ve configured a separate client ID.
  5. Click “Save”.

After you click “Save”, Empress will authenticate with Unicommerce and set up custom fields for integration. If everything goes well, you’ll see access/refresh tokens in the “Authentication Details” section. If authentication fails, double-check the details you entered or contact the Unicommerce support team to whitelist your server’s IP.

Syncing Items and Inventory

After setting up Unicommerce Integration, you can enable Item Sync to automatically upload new items to Unicommerce every hour. Here’s how:

  1. Go to “Unicommerce Settings” and enable “Upload new items to Unicommerce”.
  2. Set a Default Item Group. This will be used in case the item group is missing.
  3. When creating a new item, enable the “Sync with Unicommerce” checkbox to upload that item to Unicommerce.
  4. You can also enable this checkbox for existing items.

Remember, Unicommerce SKU code is immutable. Don’t change Item Code after creating it.

To correctly sync the item group with product categories, map all item groups to their respective product categories on Unicommerce.

Once Item Sync is set up, you can enable Inventory Sync. This feature checks for changes in Empress inventory and updates them on Unicommerce regularly.

Sales Order Processing and Invoice Sync

The Unicommerce Integration feature supports receiving and processing orders from multiple channels. You can choose to process orders and invoices on Unicommerce and only sync fully processed orders in Empress. Alternatively, you can process orders from Empress only and generate invoices from Empress’s Sales Order.

Managing Shipments and Order Status

If you’re processing orders on Empress, create and submit a shipping manifest to inform Unicommerce that you’ve shipped the orders.

The status of Unicommerce orders is periodically updated in Empress. You can view the current status in the “Unicommerce details” section. If an order gets cancelled on Unicommerce, the integration syncs this action and cancels the order on Empress as well.

Handling Order Returns

When a return is created on Unicommerce, the integration syncs this action and creates a Draft Credit Note in Empress. The return warehouse is picked based on the configured Return Warehouse in Unicommerce settings. If it’s not set, the original warehouse will be used.

By integrating Empress with Unicommerce, you can manage your e-commerce operations more efficiently, saving time and effort. It also offers a unified platform to track and manage orders, inventory, invoices, and returns, making your business operations smoother and more streamlined. If you need more help with this feature or any other aspect of Empress, refer to the Empress documentation or contact our support team.