Streamlining Educational Operations with Empress Batches


Welcome to our guide on how to create and manage batches in Empress. A Batch in Empress is defined as a group of students enrolled for the same set of courses at the same time. Let’s dive into the specifics of how you can utilize this feature to streamline your educational business operations.

Creating a New Batch

As a Moderator, you have the ability to create new batches. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the New Batch button to open a dialog box.
  2. In this dialog box, you’re required to enter specific details about the batch, including:
    • Title: A relevant name for the batch.
    • Seat Count: The maximum number of students that can join this batch.
    • Start Date and End Date: The commencement and conclusion dates of the batch.
    • Medium: The mode of instruction (online or offline).
    • Category: A category for the batch using the Empress Category doctype.
    • Description: A brief overview of the batch.
    • Batch Details: A detailed description of the batch, including prerequisites and syllabus.
    • Batch Details Raw: A space for the raw HTML version of the batch details, allowing for custom HTML if needed.
    • Meta Image: An image to be displayed when sharing the batch’s link on social platforms.
    • Paid Batch: Indicate whether the batch is paid or free. For paid batches, students will need to pay the fee before enrolling.
    • Amount: If the batch is paid, specify the amount to be paid by the students.
    • Currency: Specify the currency in which the batch fee should be paid.
  3. Once you’ve filled in these details, save the form.

Upon saving, Empress will redirect you to the batch details page.

Managing Your Batch

On the batch details page, you can view all the information you’ve just entered and can also add courses to the batch. Here’s how:

  • At the bottom of the page, you’ll find a section for adding courses.
  • Click on the Manage Batch button to enter additional details.

The batch details page includes various tabs such as Courses, Students, Assessments, Discussions, and Live Class.

  • From the Students tab, you can manually add students by entering their email IDs. The student must be a registered user of Empress.
  • Navigate to the Assessments tab to add assessments. Empress supports two types of assessments: Quizzes and Assignments.
  • Click on a student’s name to track their progress.

Student Dashboard

Students can view their progress in the batch from their dashboard, accessible from the batch page. They can also schedule evaluations and view upcoming scheduled evaluations.

Student Emails

Visible only to Moderators, the Emails tab allows you to send emails to all students in a batch and view emails that have been previously sent.

In conclusion, understanding how to create and manage batches effectively in Empress can greatly enhance the learning experience for your students and ensure the smooth operation of your educational business. For further assistance or queries, please refer to our Empress support resources or reach out to our friendly Empress support team.