Streamlining French Compliance with Empress's Region-Specific Features


In our effort to maximize compliance with local regulations worldwide, Empress provides region-specific features that cater to your business needs. This guide focuses on features specifically designed for France, aiming to streamline your operations and facilitate adherence to local regulations.

1. Le Fichier des Écritures Comptables (FEC)

Le Fichier des Écritures Comptables (FEC) is a mandatory file that companies operating in France must produce. It comprises all accounting entries for a particular fiscal year.

In Empress, we’ve made it simple for you to generate this file. Here’s how:

  • Navigate to the Accounting tab in the main dashboard.
  • Click on Year-End Operations.
  • Select Generate FEC File.

This feature ensures your business maintains compliance with French financial reporting requirements with minimum effort.

2. Sales and Payment Transactions

Beyond FEC, Empress also offers local overrides for sales and payment transactions. This feature helps align your system with the specific transactional procedures and requirements in France.

To adjust the defaults in Empress:

  • Go to the Sales or Payments tab.
  • Click on Settings.
  • In the Local Overrides section, adjust the settings as per your requirement.

These local overrides ensure your operational needs are met, while maintaining compliance with local laws and regulations.


With Empress’s region-specific features, your business processes become efficient and compliant with the local regulations of France. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and lets you focus more on growing your business.

For additional assistance, you can check out our extensive library of resources or connect with our support team anytime. We’re here to ensure your experience with Empress is smooth, efficient, and beneficial to your business.