Streamlining Invoice Pricing with Empress Price List Feature


Welcome to our Empress guide on the Price List feature. This powerful tool is designed to simplify and streamline your pricing process for both sales and purchases. With multiple pricing options, you can tailor pricing based on specific business needs—whether it’s a sale, purchase, or discount season.

Why Price Lists?

The Price List feature is an essential tool for any business. It allows you to group different item prices into one list, which you can then use when creating your Sales or Purchase Invoices. This means you can have different prices for the same item based on whether it’s for sale or purchase, or even for different seasons or sales events. This flexibility ultimately helps you save time, maintain consistency and improve efficiency in your invoice pricing.

Step 1: Enabling the Price List Feature

Before you can start using Price Lists, you need to activate the feature. This can be done by selecting the Enable Price List option located in the General Settings.

Here’s how you can navigate to this option: from your main dashboard, go to Setup, then Settings, and click on the General Tab.

Step 2: Creating a Price List

To create your Price List, navigate through your dashboard to Common > Price List. Once there, click on the blue + button to generate a new Price List form.

On this form, you can add and manage the prices of your items. Once you’re done, click on the Save button.

The Price List form includes the following fields:

  • Is Price List Enabled: This option activates the Price List. If it’s disabled, the Price List cannot be used.
  • For Sales: If this is enabled, the Price List can be selected for Sales Invoices.
  • For Purchases: If this is enabled, the Price List can be selected for Purchase Invoices.

Step 3: Adding Multiple Prices

With Empress, you can add multiple prices for an item within the same Price List. When fetching the price from the Price List during invoice creation, the first Item Price that matches the Unit Type will be selected.

Step 4: Setting a Price List

When creating a Sales or Purchase Invoice, you can select the Price List from the form. This way, every time you add a new item to the invoice, the item’s price will be automatically fetched from your chosen Price List—making the pricing process seamless, efficient, and consistent.


The Price List feature in Empress is a powerful tool that can bring significant improvements to your business operations. By enabling you to maintain multiple item prices and streamline your pricing process, this feature enhances your business efficiency and consistency.

Should you need additional help, please refer to our other user-friendly guides or contact our support team for assistance. Enjoy exploring and using the Price List feature in Empress!