Streamlining Leave Management with Department-Based Approvals


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on how to set up department-based leave approvals in Empress. This feature allows you to designate a specific user as the “Leave Approver” for each department in your company. The Leave Approver will only have access to leave applications from employees within their respective department. This is a common requirement in many companies and Empress makes it easy to implement.

What is the significance of this feature?

The Department-Based Leave Approval feature allows for a more streamlined and organized process when it comes to managing leave applications. By allowing each department to have a designated Leave Approver, it prevents leave applications from being overlooked and ensures that the approval process stays within the department. This can increase efficiency and improve communication within each department.

Steps to Set Up Department-Based Leave Approvals

  1. Assign the “Leave Approver” role: The first step is to assign the “Leave Approver” role to the user who will be responsible for approving leave applications in their department. This can be done under the Role Permissions Manager in Empress.

  2. Create the User: Once the role has been assigned, you will need to create the user in Empress. Make sure to select “Leave Approver” as the role and specify the employee that this user will correspond to.

  3. Set up User Permissions: After creating the user, you will need to set up the relevant user permissions. This will involve specifying the company, department, and employee that the user has permission to access. When setting up the “Employee” permission, make sure to leave “Leave Application” unchecked. This will ensure that the Leave Approver can only view leave applications from employees in their own department.

  4. Configure the Department: The final step is to set the “Leave Approver” in the Department master. This will ensure that the designated Leave Approver is associated with the correct department.

Using the Department-Based Leave Approval Feature

Now, let’s say an employee named Pepper from the “Research and Development” department submits a leave application. When the Leave Approver for the Research and Development department (in this case, Chris) logs into Empress, he will be able to see and approve Pepper’s leave application. However, he won’t be able to see leave applications from employees in other departments.

Meanwhile, if you log in as the System Manager, you will be able to see all leave applications across all departments. This gives you a complete overview of the leave applications in your company.


The Department-Based Leave Approval feature is a powerful tool that can help streamline your leave management process. By assigning a Leave Approver to each department, you can ensure that leave applications are handled efficiently and within the right department. This can lead to improved communication, faster approval times, and a more organized workflow.

For more information on managing leaves and allocations in Empress, you can visit the Human Resources section of the Empress documentation. Remember, Empress is here to make your business processes smoother and more efficient.