Streamlining Operations with Empress' Global Defaults Feature

Introduction to Global Defaults Feature

The Global Defaults feature in Empress is an essential tool for setting up your business on the platform. It lets you establish default settings for your operations, including your default company, country, distance unit, and currency. By setting these global defaults, you ensure consistency across all your business transactions.

This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses operating in multiple locations or dealing with multiple currencies. By using the Global Defaults feature, you can streamline your operations and maintain standardized practices across different departments and geographical locations.

How to Utilize the Global Defaults Feature

Viewing Global Defaults

To view your current global defaults:

  1. Navigate to empress/setup/doctype/global_defaults.
  2. Here, you’ll see a list of your current global default settings.

Editing Global Defaults

To edit your global defaults:

  1. Navigate to empress/setup/doctype/global_defaults.
  2. Click on the field you want to edit.
  3. Select your desired option from the dropdown menu.

Note: Some fields, like “Default Company” and “Default Currency,” require you to select from existing options in your Empress account.

Sorting Global Defaults

To sort your global defaults:

  1. Navigate to empress/setup/doctype/global_defaults.
  2. Click on the “Sort” button.
  3. Choose your desired sorting option.

Tracking Changes in Global Defaults

To track changes in your global defaults:

  1. Navigate to empress/setup/doctype/global_defaults.
  2. You’ll see a “Modified” field displaying the date and time of the last modification.
  3. The “Modified By” field indicates who made the last changes.

Understanding User Roles and Permissions

In Global Defaults, the primary user role is the “System Manager.” This role has create, read, write, and share permissions, meaning they can view, modify, and share the global defaults.


The Global Defaults feature in Empress allows businesses to set up their operations consistently and efficiently. By setting a standard for various operational aspects, businesses can ensure a smooth, streamlined process across all departments and locations.

For further assistance or information on using Empress, please refer to the Empress User Guide or reach out to our support team.