Streamlining Payroll Processing with Empress HR Feature


In every business, processing payroll is an essential operation. In Empress HR, we’ve made this task easier with the Payroll Entry feature. This feature allows you to process payroll for all employees in bulk, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

Accessing the Payroll Entry Feature

To start using the Payroll Entry feature, follow this path in Empress HR:

Home > Human Resources > Payroll > Payroll Entry

How to Create a Payroll Entry

Creating a new payroll entry is simple. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Go to the Payroll Entry list and click on New.
  2. Choose the Payroll Frequency.
  3. If needed, select a Branch, Designation, and Department to filter the employees.
  4. If you want to run payroll for a specific project, select it.
  5. To deduct the salary based on attendance and consider the employees’ timesheets, tick the ‘Validate Attendance’ and ‘Salary Slip Based on Timesheet’ boxes.
  6. Select the Payment Account to create the Bank Entry.
  7. Click Save.

After you’ve saved the information, click on Get Employees. This will generate a list of employees for whom the Salary Slips will be created based on the selected criteria.

To generate the Salary Slips, click on Create Salary Slips.

Key Features of Payroll Entry

Salary Accrual

Once you’ve checked the Salary Slips, you can submit them all at once by hitting the Submit Salary Slip button. This will also record the accrual of salary to employees in your accounts.

Cost Center Allocation

You can select a Cost Center in the Payroll Entry. The expenses will be posted against this Cost Center.

If you want to allocate expenses against multiple cost centers based on Employee/Department, you can do so by setting Payroll Cost Center in the Employee/Department master.

Salary Payment

The last step is to record the Salary Payment. To generate your salary payment voucher from Payroll Entry, click on the Make Bank Entry button.


The Payroll Entry feature in Empress HR streamlines your payroll processing, making it faster, easier and more accurate. By allowing you to process payroll in bulk, filter employees, allocate costs, and record payments, it enhances your business operations and ensures your employees are paid correctly and on time.

For additional support or resources, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Empress HR support team.