Streamlining Project Management with Bulk Assign Tasks


In this guide, we will be focusing on a key feature of Empress called Bulk Assignment of Tasks. This feature allows you to assign multiple tasks within a project to a single user, streamlining your project management process and enhancing efficiency.

Why Use Bulk Assign Tasks?

Running a business involves managing multiple projects and tasks simultaneously. There may be occasions where you need to assign all tasks in a project to one team member or department. Doing this manually could be time-consuming and inefficient. This is where the Bulk Assign Tasks feature comes in handy. It allows you to assign tasks in bulk, saving you time and ensuring the right tasks go to the right people.

How to Use Bulk Assign Tasks

Step 1: Create a Project

First, create a new project in Empress. This project will contain all the tasks you want to assign.

Step 2: Create Tasks

Next, create tasks within this project. These are the tasks that you will assign to a specific user.

Step 3: Filter Tasks by Project

Go to the Task List and filter tasks based on the project you’ve just created. This allows you to view only tasks linked to this project.

Step 4: Select Tasks to Assign

Once you have filtered the tasks, select all the tasks you want to assign. You can either select all tasks or choose specific ones.

Step 5: Assign Tasks to User

After selecting the tasks, go to Actions > Assign To and select the user you want to assign these tasks to.

Here, you can also add additional details such as comments, the deadline for task completion, and the priority level of the tasks.

Step 6: Confirm Assignment

Lastly, click on the Add button to confirm the task assignment. The selected tasks are now assigned to the chosen user.


The Bulk Assign Tasks feature in Empress is a powerful tool for businesses. It enables efficient task management, especially for large projects with numerous tasks. This feature not only saves time but also ensures that all tasks are allocated to the appropriate users.

For more information, visit the Empress Help Center or contact the Empress Support team.