Streamlining Purchasing with Empress's Purchase Receipt Feature


Welcome to our guide on the Purchase Receipt feature in Empress. This feature is designed to streamline your purchasing processes by allowing you to create a record whenever you accept items from a supplier. This typically happens against a Purchase Order, but you can also accept purchases directly, depending on your business needs.

The Purchase Receipt feature plays a crucial role in maintaining an accurate and organized inventory, making it easier for you to track incoming items and manage your stock levels.

Accessing the Purchase Receipt List

To access the Purchase Receipt list, follow this path: Home > Stock > Stock Transactions > Purchase Receipt.

Preparing to Use the Purchase Receipt Feature

Before creating and using a Purchase Receipt, we recommend creating a Purchase Order first. This ensures a seamless and efficient purchasing process.

Creating a Purchase Receipt

Creating a Purchase Receipt is a straightforward process:

  1. Start from a Purchase Order and select ‘Create > Purchase Receipt’.

To create a Purchase Receipt manually, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Purchase Receipt list and select ‘New’.
  2. Fetch the Supplier name and the Items from the Purchase Order by choosing ‘Get Items from > Purchase Order’.
  3. Specify the Accepted Warehouse for all items in this Purchase Receipt.
  4. If any Items are defective, specify the Rejected Warehouse where those Items will be stored.
  5. Select the Item and enter the quantity in the Items table.
  6. The rate and amount will be calculated automatically.
  7. Save and submit.

You can also add a ‘Supplier Delivery Note’ to the Purchase Receipt if your supplier has added some notes. To edit the posting time and date of the Purchase Receipt, use the ‘Edit Posting Date and Time’ checkbox.

Purchase Receipt Statuses

A Purchase Receipt can have the following statuses:

  • Draft: The receipt is saved but yet to be submitted.
  • To Bill: The receipt is yet to be billed using a Purchase Invoice.
  • Completed: All the items have been received.
  • Return Issued: All the items have been returned.
  • Cancelled: The Purchase Receipt has been cancelled.
  • Closed: The Purchase Receipt is closed. This is typically used to manage short-closing.

Advanced Features of Purchase Receipt

The Purchase Receipt feature also includes several advanced options, such as managing currency and price lists, warehouse details, items table, taxes and valuation, additional discounts, and printing settings.

After Submitting the Purchase Receipt

Once you’ve submitted the Purchase Receipt, a Stock Ledger Entry is created for each Item, adding the Item in the Warehouse by the “Accepted Quantity”. If you have rejections, a Stock Ledger Entry is made for each Rejection. The “Pending Quantity” is updated in the Purchase Order. You can then proceed to create a Purchase Return, Stock Entry, Purchase Invoice, or Retain Sample Stock.

Returning a Purchase Order

The Purchase Receipt feature also allows you to create a return entry if the Item needs to be returned to the Supplier.

Adjusting the Value of Items Post Purchase Receipt

To attribute additional expenses to your purchased Items, you will have to use the Landed Cost Voucher.


The Purchase Receipt feature in Empress provides a comprehensive solution for managing your purchase receipts, helping you to streamline your purchasing processes and maintain an accurate and organized inventory. For further assistance, please refer to our other non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.