Streamlining Recruitment with Empress Employee Referral


In today’s competitive business landscape, finding the right talent can be a challenging task. That’s where Empress comes in, offering a powerful Employee Referral feature that simplifies and optimizes your internal recruitment process. This feature allows your existing employees to refer potential candidates for open positions, saving you time and resources in your recruitment efforts.

Getting Started With the Employee Referral Feature

To get started with this feature, go to your Empress dashboard and follow this path:

Human Resources > Recruitment > Employee Referral

Before diving in, make sure you’re comfortable with the following Empress modules, as they tie in directly to the Employee Referral feature:

  1. Employee: This is where you manage your current employee information.
  2. Additional Salary: This module is used to record any extra payments such as bonuses that are given to employees.
  3. Job Applicant: This module allows you to handle all candidate information and status updates.

How to Create an Employee Referral

Creating an Employee Referral is a straightforward process. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to Employee Referral > Add Employee Referral.
  2. Enter the basic information of the candidate you want to refer, including First Name, Last Name, and Email.
  3. Under the ‘Referrer’ field, select the current employee who is making the referral.
  4. Once you’ve filled out all the necessary fields, click on save and submit the form.

Key Features of the Employee Referral Tool

Automatically Create Job Applicant and Sync Status

Once an Employee Referral has been submitted, the initial status will be set as “Pending”. After submission, you’ll see a “Create Job Applicant” button appear on the top right corner of your screen.

By clicking this button, a new Job Applicant record will be created with the status “Open”, and the status of the Employee Referral will automatically update to “In Process”.

As the status of the Job Applicant changes (for example, to “Accepted” or “Rejected”), this will also be reflected in the Employee Referral status, keeping all your records accurately synced and up-to-date.

Track and Manage Referral Bonuses

Many businesses offer bonuses to employees for successful referrals. With Empress, you can easily track these bonuses. Before submitting the Employee Referral form, simply check the “Is applicable for referral bonus” box.

When the status of the referral changes to “Accepted”, a “Create Additional Salary” button will be visible in the top right corner. Clicking this button will take you to the Additional Salary form, where you can specify the Salary Component and Payroll Date. Fill in the necessary details, save, and submit the form.

By using these features, you can streamline your internal recruitment process, making it easier to find the right candidates, track their progress, and reward successful referrals. Empress makes it simple to manage your Employee Referrals, so you can focus on what really matters - growing your business.

For more information or support, feel free to explore our additional resources or contact our support team.