Streamlining Student Admissions with Empress Feature


Welcome to the Empress guide series, where we explore different features designed to streamline your business operations. In this guide, we will delve into the Student Admission feature.

This unique feature empowers educational institutions to create and publish their admission process on their Empress-generated websites, making it easier for prospective students to apply.

Accessing the Student Admission Feature

Accessing the Student Admission feature is straightforward. Simply follow the path:

Home > Education > Admission > Student Admission

Setting Up for Student Admission

Before you dive into creating a Student Admission, it’s advisable to set up a few things:

  1. Academic Year: This denotes the academic year for which admissions are being held.
  2. Program: This refers to the specific course or program for which the students are applying.

These elements are essential to the admission process and must be set up prior to creating a Student Admission.

Creating a Student Admission

Follow these steps to create a Student Admission:

  1. Navigate to the Student Admission list and click on New.
  2. Select the Academic Year for the Student Admission.
  3. Enter the Application Form Route - this is the URL for the Online Admission portal.
  4. Click Save.

After saving your Student Admission, a See on Website link will appear on the left sidebar. This link takes you to the Student Admission Portal on your Empress generated website.

Further Details for Creating a Student Admission

While creating a Student Admission, consider the following additional aspects:

  1. Title: This is the title that will appear on the Student Admission Portal.
  2. Route: This is the URL extension for the admission portal.
  3. Admission Start Date: This is the date when the online Admission Process begins.
  4. Admission End Date: This is the deadline for applying to the online Admission Process.
  5. Publish on Website: Check this box when your portal content is finalized and ready to be launched on the website.

Eligibility and Details

The Student Admission feature also allows you to establish eligibility criteria for your program:

  • Program: Select the course or program for which admissions are being accepted.
  • Minimum Age: Enter the birth-date of the youngest candidate eligible for admission.
  • Maximum Age: Enter the birth-date of the oldest candidate eligible for admission.
  • Application Fee: If applicable, input the application fee for the selected program.
  • Naming Series: Define the series used to name and order the application forms.
  • Introduction: Add a brief intro about the admission process to guide applicants.

In conclusion, the Student Admission feature in Empress provides an intuitive and efficient way of managing your institution’s admission process. By utilizing this feature, you can streamline operations, provide clear admission information, and create a seamless application experience for potential students.

For more guidance or support, please visit our Empress Support Portal for further resources and assistance.