Streamlining Student Applications with Empress's Feature


As an educational institution, keeping track of student applicants can be a daunting task. With Empress’s Student Applicant feature, you can easily manage all your student applications in one place. This guide will guide you through using this feature, from creating a record to approving or rejecting applications, and eventually enrolling students into their chosen programs.

Accessing the Student Applicant Feature

To begin using the Student Applicant feature, follow these steps:

  1. Start at the Home page.
  2. Click on Education.
  3. Select Admission.
  4. Choose Student Applicant.

Preparatory Steps

Before you can create a Student Applicant record, you need to set up the following:

  1. Academic Term – The period of academic instruction (e.g., Fall 2022).
  2. Academic Year – The total academic period (e.g., 2022-2023).
  3. Program – The course of study the student is applying for (e.g., Bachelor of Arts in English).

Please refer to the respective guides for creating these records.

Creating a Student Applicant Record

Once you’ve completed the preparatory steps, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on New at the Student Applicant page.
  2. Enter the applicant’s First Name.
  3. Choose the Program the applicant wishes to enroll in.
  4. Provide the Student Email Address.
  5. Click on Save to create the record.

Key Features

Online Applications

One of the standout features of the Student Applicant function is the ability to create records automatically when a student applies online. This happens via the Student Applicant Web Form. To view all available web forms, simply type “Web Form List” in the search bar.

When a student submits the form, the application status is automatically set to “Applied”. You can then review the application and decide whether to Approve or Reject it.

Enrolling Approved Applicants

After approving an application, you can Enroll the student in their program. By clicking on Enroll, a new student record is created, and you’re redirected to the Program Enrollment form.

Note: Once a student record is created, the application status is automatically set to ‘Admitted’. You can’t change the application status unless you delete the student record.

In summary, the Student Applicant feature in Empress simplifies the process of managing student applications, from the initial application to enrollment. It’s an efficient tool that allows you to focus on providing quality education instead of getting bogged down by administrative tasks. For more guidance on using Empress, refer to our other user-friendly guides and support resources.