Streamlining Student Enrollment with Empress Tool


Welcome to the guide on the Program Enrollment Tool in Empress. This feature is a vital tool in your arsenal, designed to streamline the process of enrolling students into your programs. Whether you’re onboarding fresh students or transitioning existing ones into a new program, the Program Enrollment Tool makes it a breeze.

To get started with the Program Enrollment Tool, navigate as follows:

Home > Education > Tools > Program Enrollment Tool

Making the Most of the Program Enrollment Tool

To make the enrollment process as smooth as possible, the Program Enrollment Tool requires certain specifics about the students and the program. Here’s a simple guide on how to use this feature:

  1. Get Students From: This tool lets you fetch student details from diverse sources. If you’re enrolling new students, get their details from the Student Applicant section. For migrating existing students, fetch the details from the Program Enrollment section.

  2. Academic Year: Indicate the academic year for which the new students have applied or where the existing students were previously enrolled.

  3. Academic Term: Input the academic term that is relevant to the new or existing students.

  4. Program: Specify the program that the new or existing students have applied for or were previously enrolled in.

Finding Your Students

After you have clicked the Get Students button, the system will generate a list of students based on the criteria you’ve inputted. If needed, you can remove any student record from this list.

Enrollment Details

The specifics of the enrollment depend on where you fetched the student list from.

  • If the student list was retrieved from the Student Applicant list, you will need to input a New Student Batch Name. All new students will be enrolled under this batch.

  • If the student list was obtained from an existing Program Enrollment, you’ll be asked to enter details for the new program. These details include the Program Name, Academic Year, Academic Term, and New Student Batch.

  • After you have inputted all the necessary details, click on Enroll Students. This action will create bulk Program Enrollments for your students.

Conclusion: Enhancing Your Enrollment Process

The Program Enrollment Tool is an integral part of the Empress system, designed to simplify and expedite your student enrollment procedures. By eliminating manual data entry and offering bulk enrollment options, this tool significantly reduces the time and effort involved in managing your programs.

For further assistance or to find more non-technical resources, please check our support resources or reach out to our dedicated support team.