Streamlining Tax Calculations with Empress Tax Categories


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on using Tax Categories in Empress. This feature allows you to apply one or more Tax Rules to transactions based on various criteria such as customer, supplier, item, and address. It is an excellent tool for automating the tax calculation process in your business, ensuring accuracy and compliance with tax laws.

What are Tax Categories?

In essence, Tax Categories in Empress are categories you can assign to transactions. They allow you to apply multiple tax rules based on the category of a transaction, helping your business streamline tax calculations and maintain compliance with different tax laws.

How to Create a Tax Category

Creating a Tax Category is simple:

  1. Navigate to Home > Accounting > Taxes > Tax Category.
  2. Click on ‘New’ and enter a name for your category.

Once you’ve created a category, you can link it to one or more Tax Rules. These rules define the specific tax rates and conditions to be applied to transactions falling under this category.

How to Use a Tax Category

Once you’ve linked your Tax Category to the relevant Tax Rules, assign it to a customer or supplier. When you select this customer or supplier in a transaction, Empress will automatically apply the appropriate Tax Category and calculate the tax accordingly.

You can also use Tax Categories to group customers to whom the same tax will apply. This is particularly useful for businesses dealing with various types of customers, such as government agencies, NGOs, commercial entities, etc.

Assigning a Tax Category

You can assign a Tax Category in a number of ways:

  1. Customer: Assign a Tax Category to a specific customer.
  2. Supplier: Assign a Tax Category to a specific supplier.
  3. Address: Assign a Tax Category based on the billing or shipping address. You can decide which address gets preference via the ‘Determine Address Tax Category From’ option in Accounts Settings.
  4. Item: Assign a Tax Category to a specific item.
  5. Manual Selection: You can manually select the Tax Category in a transaction.

In transactions, Empress will automatically set specific item tax templates for that Tax Category and create Tax Rules to automatically set specific sales/purchase taxes and charges based on different Tax Categories.


The Tax Category is a powerful feature in Empress that significantly enhances your business processes by automating and streamlining tax calculations. It ensures accuracy, saves time, and helps you maintain compliance with tax laws. For further assistance, feel free to explore our additional resources or reach out to our support team.