Streamlining User Management with Empress' Adding Users Feature


As a business, you need to manage your team and their access to your system effectively. Empress offers an intuitive solution for adding users to your system, defining their roles and permissions, and managing their access.

This guide will guide you through the process of adding new users to your Empress system.

Feature Name: Adding Users

The Adding Users feature allows you to add different types of users to your Empress system. These users can be internal team members (system users) or external stakeholders like customers, suppliers, or students (website users).

Creating a New User

To create a new user in your Empress system:

  1. Go to the User list and click ‘New.’
  2. Enter the user’s email address and name.
  3. Click ‘Save.’

You can also modify the user’s username and language preference at this stage.

Assigning User Roles and Permissions

After creating a new user, you can assign them specific roles. Empress will display a list of roles with checkboxes. Simply select the roles you want to assign to the user. Each role comes with predefined permissions.

For faster assignment, you can create Role Profiles. These are templates that allow you to select multiple roles at once.

Adding Additional User Information

Empress allows you to add more information about the user. This information may include:

  • Gender
  • Phone and Mobile Numbers
  • Birth Date
  • Location
  • Interests
  • Bio
  • Banner Image

Also, you can choose to mute sounds for this user when interacting with documents.

Managing Security and Access

As the System Manager, you can manage the user’s password and access. You can set a new password, send a password change notification, and log the user out from all devices when their password is changed.

You can also adjust settings related to email notifications, module access, and third-party authentication options, such as Facebook, Google, and GitHub.

API Access

For integrating with other applications, you can generate API Secret keys from the user’s profile.

After Saving a User

After saving a user, you can manage their permissions and reset their password via the User master dashboard.

Login Methods

Empress allows users to log in using their email or mobile number. This option can be enabled in the System Settings under the Security section.

Remember to click ‘Save’ after adding these details.


The Adding Users feature in Empress simplifies user management and increases your control over system access. By understanding and utilizing this feature, you can streamline your operations, enhance security, and improve the overall efficiency of your business.

For additional support or resources, please visit the Empress Support Center or reach out to our dedicated customer service team.