Streamlining Workflows with Empress Milestone Tracking


Welcome to this guide on how to use Milestone Tracking in Empress, designed specifically for our valued business users. This feature is a powerful tool for automatically tracking the progress of documents through their lifecycle, providing valuable insights and streamlining your workflow.

Feature Introduction: Milestone Tracking

Milestone Tracking helps you monitor document progression from creation to completion. This can be particularly useful for tracking stages of business processes, such as lead qualification or project completion. By using milestones, you can generate detailed reports on progress, track trends, and even incentivize action through Energy Points.

Accessing Milestone Tracking Feature

Accessing the Milestone Tracking feature is easy:

  1. Start on your Home screen.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. From there, select Milestone Tracker.

Creating a Milestone Tracker

Creating a milestone tracker is a straightforward process:

  1. Click on the New button.
  2. Specify the type of document you want to track (e.g., “Project”).
  3. Define the field that indicates the various stages in the document lifecycle (e.g., “Status”).

A new milestone record is created whenever the status of the tracked document changes. You can view this milestone in the timeline of the document view.

Exploring Milestones Features

Here are some primary ways you can use Milestones in your business operations:

Reporting and Notifying

Let’s say you’ve set “Lead Qualification” as a milestone for a “Lead” document type. You can now easily generate reports on the number of leads qualified within a specific period using this milestone.

Tracking Trends with Dashboards

Milestones can be used with Dashboards to track trends. For instance, if “Qualification” is a milestone in the “Lead Stage”, a Dashboard filtered by Qualification will show you trends of leads qualified over time.

Incentivizing Actions with Energy Points

You can set up Energy Point Rules to award points to team members who reach certain milestones, fostering a sense of competition and motivation within your team.


Milestone Tracking in Empress allows you to automate the tracking of document progress, simplify reporting, and incentivize your team’s actions. By leveraging this feature, you can enhance your business processes, saving time and effort. For more information or support, please visit our help center or contact our support team.