Sustainable Business Planning

What is Sustainable Business Planning?

Sustainable business planning is the process of creating and implementing business strategies that are environmentally-friendly, socially responsible, and economically viable. The main goal is to ensure long-term business success while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and society.

How does it work?

Sustainable business planning involves several steps, starting with assessing the current environmental and social footprint of the business. Next, goals and strategies are developed to reduce this footprint and enhance positive impacts. These might include reducing emissions, improving energy efficiency, sourcing responsibly, treating employees fairly, and contributing to the local community. The plan then needs to be integrated into all aspects of the business, from product design to sourcing to marketing. Monitoring and reporting on progress is also important, to ensure accountability and continuous improvement. The plan should also be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities.

Real-World Impact

A notable example of sustainable business planning in action is Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan. Launched in 2010, it set out ambitious goals to double the size of the business while reducing environmental impact and improving social impact. The plan led to significant improvements in several areas, including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste production, as well as enhancements in health and wellbeing, fair treatment of employees, and positive contributions to local communities. These changes not only benefited the environment and society, but also improved Unilever’s brand reputation and long-term business prospects.

How to Get Started

To start with sustainable business planning, the first step is to understand the current environmental and social footprint of your business. This could involve conducting an environmental audit or surveying employees and stakeholders. Next, develop clear goals and strategies for improvement, considering both the environmental and social dimensions of sustainability. Implement these strategies across the business, and set up systems for monitoring and reporting progress. It’s also important to communicate about your sustainability efforts, both internally and externally, to build support and accountability.

Get the Empress Edge

Understanding and implementing sustainable business planning can bring a range of benefits. It can help to reduce costs, improve brand reputation, attract and retain employees, and meet increasing customer and investor expectations around sustainability. As sustainability challenges such as climate change and social inequality become more pressing, businesses that are able to demonstrate a real commitment to sustainability are likely to have a competitive edge. At its heart, sustainable business planning is about ensuring the long-term viability of your business, while making a positive contribution to the world.