Sustainable Business Resource Management

What is Sustainable Business Resource Management?

Sustainable Business Resource Management is the strategic approach to managing resources in a business setting, focusing on the sustainability and minimal wastage of these resources. It aims to reduce resource consumption, improve efficiency in resource usage, and promote sustainable practices, thereby enhancing overall business performance and environmental sustainability.

How does it work?

Sustainable Business Resource Management involves a variety of practices and strategies. These include reducing resource consumption through efficient usage, reusing resources where possible, recycling waste, sourcing resources sustainably, and ensuring that all resource-related decisions are made with sustainability in mind. It involves a shift from the traditional linear model of ‘take-make-dispose’ to a circular economy model where resources are continually reused and recycled, and waste is minimized. These practices are integrated at all levels of the organization, from strategic planning to daily operations, and require a commitment to sustainability from all stakeholders.

Real-World Impact

A compelling example of Sustainable Business Resource Management in action is Interface, a global commercial flooring company. Interface has implemented a ‘Mission Zero’ plan, aiming to eliminate any negative impact the company may have on the environment by 2020. This involves sourcing materials sustainably, reducing waste in production, recycling old products into new ones, and even developing carbon negative products. The results have been impressive, with significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, waste to landfill, and water usage, demonstrating the potential of Sustainable Business Resource Management to improve both environmental and business outcomes.

How to Get Started

To engage in Sustainable Business Resource Management, businesses must first conduct an audit of their current resource usage to identify areas for improvement. This includes reviewing procurement practices, examining the efficiency of resource usage, and assessing waste management practices. The next step is to develop a resource management strategy, setting clear goals and outlining the actions required to achieve them. Finally, businesses must implement this strategy, monitor progress, and continually adjust the approach as needed. Integrating Sustainable Business Resource Management into existing business practices requires commitment, but can lead to significant benefits.

Get the Empress Edge

Understanding and implementing Sustainable Business Resource Management can lead to a range of benefits. These include reduced costs due to more efficient resource usage, improved reputation as a result of more sustainable practices, and enhanced resilience due to less dependence on finite resources. In a world facing increasing environmental challenges, Sustainable Business Resource Management is becoming increasingly relevant and valuable. Beyond the practical benefits, there is also the moral and ethical value of contributing to a more sustainable and equitable world.